Pandemic & Medical Disaster Response
SARS COVID19 Specimen Collection Kits
Laboratory Medical Surgical Services and Consulting
BioSci® Disposable Virus Sampling Tubes
BioSci® Disposable Virus Sampling Tubes are intended for the collection and transport of clinical specimens containing viruses, chlamydiae, mycoplasma or ureaplasma from the collection site to the testing laboratory.
Each tube provides a viral collective device and transportmedium vial for transport of organisms.
Conventional Viral Transport Medium can be processed using standard clinical laboratory operating procedures for culture of clinical specimens.
Inactivated and Direct Extraction Viral Transport Medium can efficiently lyse clinical specimens and release nucleicacids for nucleic acid detection.
Advantages of Collection Swabs
The collection system uses nylon flocking swabs, which are non-toxic to micro organisms and can maximize the collection and release of specimens.
The unique jet implanted nylon fiber technology increases the collection and release of specimens.
The swab has a total length of 153mm, and the plastic rod has a unique breakable design.
The fluff texture can collect more targetanalytes.
There is no residual sample, speedup the processing of the specimen.
Tips On Usage
Collect specimens with the swab at corresponding parts.
Insert the swab into the tube with Viral Transport Medium.
Snap off the swab shaft at the pre-scored line by bending in against the tube wall.
Replace cap to tube and close tightly.
Label with appropriate information as required.
Transport the samples to the laboratory as soon as possible.
Specimens collected using models MB, MY, MBY, FB, FY, and FBY require nucleic acid extraction before nucleic acid detection;
Specimens collected using models DEB, DEY models can be directly used for nucleic acids detection without nucleic acid extraction or heated treatment.
Specimens collected using models DPB and DPY models were then heated at 65 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes followed by 98 degrees Celsius for 2 minutes to inactivate proteinase K and then directly used for nucleic acids detection.
The product usage diagram is as follows:
Rapid and Economical Supply of Viral Transport Medium kits for COVID
PCR Testing with Nasopharyngeal Swabs
Universal and reusable virus deactivation system
for respiratory protection.
Quan, F., Rubino, I., Lee, S. et al. Universal and reusable virus deactivation system for respiratory protection. Sci Rep 7, 39956 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/srep39956
“When tested with tightly sealed sides, salt-coated filters showed remarkable higher filtration efficiency than conventional mask filtration layers, and 100% survival rate was observed in mice infected with virus penetrated through salt-coated filters.“
DNA Nanoparticles Protect & Treat Against COVID19 Pandemic
“A NanoDNA therapeutic approach could be used to make a pan-influenza preventive/therapy.”
Objective: RNAi approach (actually shRNA which is longer acting) can provide a treatment before a vaccine can be developed.
Method: The tech provides a rapid response while other long-term measures (such as vaccine development) could occur. A similar therapeutic approach could be used to make a pan-influenza/therapy to the flu.
Fibrin Respiratory Organoid Models for SARS-COVID19
Objective: The technology has urgent application to pulmonary pathogen research. The Initiative will provide pulmonary organoid models for COVID-19 treatment.
Method: Fibrin scaffolds are useful as surgical biomaterials, and as surrogate organs for research and testing. Program includes creation of very large organoids for laboratory studies and humans scale synthetic organs, and manufactured organs and tissue implants.
Epithelial Airway Organoid Models for Testing
COVID19 Entry Inhibitors Targeting ACE2 Receptors
Objective: In-vitro epithelial airway models will be refined and applied A Viral Entry Inhibitor peptide is ready for testing as a prophylactic (preventative) and therapeutic COVID19 in a novel epithelial airway organoid model.
Method: Identified a fragment of ACE2 that interacts with the S-protein. The peptide fragment was purified and shown to block viral entry. The peptide sequence (31 amino acids) is provided. The method to product the peptide is also provided.